How to Market YOU: Create a Career Marketing Statement

Let me share a little (well-known) recruiting secret with you. The first question that professional and corporate recruiters will always ask is simple: “What Is Your Career Objective?” Yes, they want to know whether you are worth the 1-hour investment.
It starts with your prime marketing statement, the career marketing strategy. This is your 30-second elevator pitch, your go-to-purpose statement. This allows people to understand where you are going, and whether they identify value in your career purpose, thus taking your candidature to the next level.
It is your professional headline. Your core career message. Your purpose in Hospitality. Make it truly count, as you have only one go at it.
A career objective should tell your readership, what you will offer in order to achieve, what you want in your career. I have been fortunate to carve out a rewarding career in global hospitality in iconic hotels, across 5 continents, working with legendary hoteliers, and my career objective guided me along the journey with purpose, focus, and clarity.
This style of career objective offers a more defined, precise career narrative. As a result, your resume validates your experience and has gravitas. It promotes a shared alignment with the interviewer and fosters a “buy-in” for your professional competencies for their company.
Hence, the outcome of your career communications strategy should be aligned to both the author and interviewer. The objective should be clear for you now; to get that 1st stage interview, right?
In LinkedIn, your career search is based on a communication strategy that is aligned to your career objective. Using a job lead funnel methodology, you can use a dynamic lead generation process of finely tuned connection tactics, scripts, and touchpoints (points of engagement) to qualify employer interest (job-readiness) in your candidature. We call them marketing touchpoints and gain more importance as you progress through the recruitment funnel.
If you have 8 hours to cut down a tree, spend 7 hours sharpening your axe! You sharpen your time with the touchpoints, ranging from T1 to T5. This approach is non-invasive and structured around soft reinforcement of your functional strengths to desired employers. Like an experienced sales executive, you map each interaction on your job search funnel, concluding in a first-stage interview (T5).
So how does a career objective look like? I use 4 interconnected sections components to flush out the career objective. It is important to do this in sequence and be as specific as possible.
1. Define the sector. (The industry alone is not enough; is too broad)
2. Define the role you have in that sector. (Position title or responsibility)
3. Define the key 2-3 functional strengths that you offer to the sector. (Top secret, your secret sauce)
4. Define functional strengths combined measurable outcome and the prime performance metric. (ROI, RevPAR, EBITDA, FCF)
The career marketing statement is ready to be crafted. As you can see, the career objective communicates your career positioning statement with clarity. It is the prime strategy that spells out the sector/s you will target and what you will offer in return.
Equally, with such a defined LinkedIn search criterion, it will offer hiring authorities’ a clear vision and understanding of the potential value you add to their respective organisations.
So, to recap. 1. Develop a career objective strategy, 2. create a functional strengths resume, 3. map strengths to work history, 4. create a unique career marketing tagline, 5. search-friendly LinkedIn summary, and 6. craft an action-based career narrative. This is the way you move from being “one of many” to “The One”!
In this post COVID-19 world, you can still rise to the top. Restart your career with an engaging career marketing statement, so you can get your career moving towards the highs you know you can achieve. As always, feel free to drop me a line or list your comments below.
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